Healthcare Training Courses

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Scroll down to see a complete Healthcare Courses summary of a total of 29 different courses available at Healthcare Academi Cymru. All our courses are FULLY ACCREDITED and take place at our own premises with full training facilities in Cardiff. Courses include QCF Levels 2-5, and mandatory training in Health and Social Care. Scroll down for the full range including E-Learning.

PMVA-Prevention & Management of Violence & Aggression

Cost: From £175 per delegate, 3-days, 1st day theory, 2nd and 3rd days practical assessment

First Aid - Basic Life Support

Cost: £36 per delegate, Course Duration: ½ day – Basic Life Support (BLS).

Safeguarding of Adults

Cost: From £36 per delegate, Course Duration: 3 Hours


Unique to the HAC - Therapeutic engagement and supportive observation. Cost from £36 per delegate

All Wales Manual Handling Passport

Cost: From £49 per delegate, 1-day Refresher Course Safe moving of heavy items.

First Aid - First Aid at Work

Cost: From £49 per delegate, Course Duration: 1 day – First Aid at Work Refresher

Safeguarding of Children

Cost: From £36 per delegate, Course Duration: 3 Hours


A range of courses to follow on your own device in your own time.

Book Here - Full course list available

Feel free to add comments on your booking or call us today.

We have included healthcare training course costs as a guide however, course costs depend on a variety of factors so please enquire when booking we will find the best option for your needs. Our trainers want you to enjoy your training and that you leave a confident practitioner. We welcome your recommendation and look forward to seeing you again.

Call Now: 02920 631270

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