Emergency first aid for care workers

Emergency First Aid Course for Care Workers

Emergency First Aid Courses

Sudden injury or illness can afflict anyone at any time so Knowing emergency first aid and how to calmly respond to any sudden accident is a crucial aspect of your role as a care worker.

Health and safety regulations and the Health and Social Care regulators in the UK require that a minimum first-aid provision is made in every care home or workplace. Every workplace must have at least one person on the premises responsible for emergency first aid, this person is called an appointed person.

An appointed person may also be a qualified first aider which means they hold a current emergency first aid or first aid at work certificate. For care homes health and social care regulators require that the manager and a senior member of staff on duty are appointed persons and are also qualified first aiders.

Emergency first aid courseIn addition to all staff being trained in basic first aid there should also be a suitably stocked first-aid box maintained and administered by appointed persons.

You must be aware that your first aid skills may be called upon not only to treat service users but also to respond to any sudden injury that should befall a visitor, contractor or another member of staff. You should be familiar with the health and safety risk assessment of your care home or workplace and consider your approach to emergency first aid based on the layout of the care home, workplace or service users home and any potential hazards within them.


It is the duty of employers to make other members of staff aware of the first aid provision. If you are a homecarer then you should be provided with a first aid kit to keep in your car. This article aims to provide guidance on how best to respond to sudden illness and injury and offers advice on correct procedure and current best practice. However when dealing with any situation that requires emergency first aid you must be aware of your limits and do not attempt to administer first aid for which you have not been trained.

Cardiff council health careThe primary survey is a quick way for you to find out if someone has any injuries or conditions which are life-threatening if you follow each step methodically you can identify each life-threatening condition and deal with it in order of priority use the acronym “Dr ABC” to remember the steps Danger Response Airway Breathing and Circulation.

Danger: Ensure you and bystanders are safe remove any obvious hazards response as explained in your emergency first aid course. Does the casualty respond to voice and touch are they conscious airway identify and treat life-threatening airway problems breathing identify and treat any breathing problems if not breathing normally start CPR you are then unlikely to move on to the next step of the primary survey circulation identify and treat any life-threatening conditions such as a heart attack severe bleeding and shock used for casualties who are breathing normally.

Book an emergency first aid course today by clicking here: All courses are approved by Cardiff Council Health Care Services.

See also First aid courses for parents.

First Aid Course in 60 seconds – How To Save A Life.

Did you know there is a First Aid Course for Children? If your child needed emergency first aid would you know what to do?

We were rushing TO hospital and he actually stopped moving in the car, I was in tears, a police car came and I performed CPR on my son. He could so easily have died.

If they stop breathing or choking could you help them?

22 percent of parents do not have any baby or child first aid knowledge and can benefit from a First Aid Course.

Only 31 percent of parents would feel confident helping a baby or child who needed first aid. But one in five of us have had to give emergency first aid and they were so scared doing it they thought their child was going to die.

Becoming a parent is the single biggest trigger for wanting to improve first aid knowledge with 56 percent of you wanting to know more.

St John Ambulance suggest spending just one minute a day can help you learn how to keep your child safe.

Now see how many of these essential first-aid tips you can learn in 60 seconds. Then take our First Aid course so you’re confident you would know what to do in an emergency.


First Aid Course content.


  1. Always cut food lengthways and not across
  2. Keep hand bags out of reach, kids commonly choke on pen lids and coins.
  3. If your child is choking never poke around in their mouth as this could push the blockage further down.
  4. Never leave the small child unattended.


  1. Any burn bigger than your child’s palm needs some medical attention.
  2. Put burns into cold water for at least 10 minutes then cover in cling film and keep sterile before getting help.
  3. Remove loose clothing but if clothes thick leave until help arrives


  1. Have a supply of antihistamines in your home First aid Kit
  2. Weaning; be aware that allergies can show up this early.
  3. If your child’s has an allergic reaction keep them calm until you can get help.
  4. Rash treat it yourself with antihistamines.
  5. Swollen lips or tongue get to hospital.


  1. Under six months 38 degrees Celsius is a fever
  2. Over six months it’s 39 degrees Celsius.
  3. Never treat children with aspirin.  Check for medicines.
  4. Child not getting better off 72 hours get to help.


Remember A,B,C.

  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • Circulation
  1. It starts with five rescue breaths then 30 compressions and two rescue breaths and repeat until help arrives or the child breathe.
  2. Use ‘Nellie the elephant’ as your timing guide that’s at least 120 compressions a minute.


  1. Also called febrile convulsions, most of caused by a fast rising temperature if your child has one place and gently on the floor
  2. and clear the space around them
  3. If a seizure lasts more than two minutes get medical help.
  4. If your child has one without the temperature get medical help.


  1. Don’t wait for a rash learn the other signs.
  2. Meningitis symptoms include joint and limb pain, light sensitivity, blotchy pale skin, flu-like illness and cold hands and feet. Babies may have a high-pitched cry.
  3. SEPSIS can happen from any infection be aware. Signs include no wet nappy for 12 hours, vomiting, convulsions, feeling cold, not feeding and hard to wake.

We hope this has been really helpful but who else looks after your child? A friend a relative even your partner they need to see this video or attend a First Aid Course as well please share the video below now on how to save a life we also have a whole course of really important life-saving videos to watch and share with the people through the cost of your child

Source : Youtube